And I try to include artwork of all kinds in my designs. Many people assume that original artwork is only for “rich people”. This is absolutely not true. Mostly because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and anything can be artwork. I had nine close-up photos of my daughter on the wall, all framed in black, that created a super fun and inexpensive art wall that I just loved. Photos are a great way to add personal artwork to a room. Framing childrens artwork is another way to bring color and whimsy? into a room.
But if you would rather something a bit more traditional there are several sites that sell original artwork like:, and of course Etsy just to name a few. And you would be surprised how inexpensive it can be. I would also bet that there are artists within your community that sell at galleries, art shows or online on FaceBook.
I just displayed a piece of artwork as well as bought a piece at a recent art show in a downtown gallery. Artists make the best customers!
So if you’re wondering how to easily make a change to your decor, forget buying new pillows and buy a piece of artwork. You will not only refresh your walls but you will help to sponsor an artist that is putting themselves out there and selling a little piece of their heart! I know because I have done it. Below are a few of my art pieces.